Our physical therapy staff is highly trained in evaluating, treating, and preventing orthopedic injuries. Whether you have back, shoulder, ankle, hip, knee, or neck pain, they will treat you with the most up-to-date methods and modalities. These include exercise, massage, manipulation, dry needling, blood flow restriction training, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and injury prevention testing.
Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Having worked closely with area surgeons, and others around the country, our physical therapy staff is trained to treat any and all pre and post operative orthopedic injury. From common surgeries such as rotator cuff repairs, total knee and hip replacements, ACL reconstruction, knee arthroscopy, shoulder labral repairs, and ankle tightrope procedures, to the less common Open Reduction Internal Fixation of any bone, shoulder replacement, spinal fusions, sports hernia and hip labral repairs. Our staff is ready to give you the best care you could possibly receive.
Pre/Post op Rehabilitation
- Walk-in Training Room:
Our Certified Athletic Trainer and Sports Certified Physical Therapist will assess your injury to determine if further medical care is needed, with the goal of returning the athlete back to their sport as quickly and safely as possible.
- Sports Rehabilitation:
We provide rehabilitation for injuries to athletes of all ages. Our therapists have experience across the board. They have played multiple sports, including Football, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Track & Field/Cross Country, Golf, Gymnastics, Dance, and Cheerleading, and treated athletes who play softball, lacrosse, soccer, volleyball, swimming, and wrestling.
- Injury Prevention:
We provide sports-specific testing to determine areas where your athlete could potentially develop injury over time. We provide corrective exercises, techniques, follow-up treatments, and strength/conditioning sessions to address these issues before they become a problem.
Sports Medicine
- What is Dry Needling?
A form of therapy in which fine needles are inserted into myofascial trigger points, tendons, ligaments, or near nerves to stimulate a healing response.
- Is this acupuncture?
No, acupuncture is a form of Eastern Medicine, while Dry Needling is a part of Western Medicine based on research.
- What conditions is this used for?
Many orthopedic issues, including rotator cuff tendonitis, lateral and medial epicondylitis, whiplash, headaches, thoracic and lumbar strain, sciatica, gluteal tendinitis, hamstring tendinitis, patellar tendinitis, achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, and much more.
Dry Needling
- What is BFR?
“The brief and intermittent occlusion or restriction of arterial and venous blood flow that is performed by applying a tourniquet to the upper and lower extremity.”
- What is the point?
This training allows you to use lighter loads but gain the effects of using higher loads to build strength.
- Benefits:
Increases strength, attenuates atrophy, creates hypertrophy, improves cardiovascular function.
- Who can benefit: Bedridden, casted/braced, pre and post-op, elderly, athletes.
Blood Flow Restriction Training
What Our Clients Say